If you're unable to obtain or maintain an erection for sexual intercourse, you may be suffering from ED (erectile dysfunction). There are several ways to treat ED, depending on the cause.
One type of medication is a PDE5 inhibitor, such as Vidalista CT 20mg (Viagra) or tadalafil (Cialis). These medicines are taken before sexual activity to increase the amount of blood flowing to your penis and make it easier to have an erection.
Sildenafil and Vidalista 60 mg are also available as generics, making them affordable even for those without insurance. They can be taken once or twice a day.
These oral medicines should not be used by men who take nitrates to treat heart disease, because they can cause a drop in blood pressure. In addition, some oral ED medications can cause vision or hearing problems. If you experience sudden loss of these senses, seek medical attention right away.
Erectile dysfunction is often caused by a variety of health conditions, including diabetes, obesity, heart disease and other diseases that affect the way blood flows through your body. However, many of these problems can be cured or prevented by making healthy dietary choices and lifestyle changes.
Generally, the most important factors that influence a man's erections are his lifestyle choices. These include diet, exercise, stress management, and more.
Men should eat a healthy diet rich in fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and fish. They should also cut back on red meat and sugary foods.
How to take Vidalista 40 mg?
The intake process of Vidalista is simple as you have to take it orally.
Take one tablet with one glass of normal water.
Keep at least 24 hours difference between the first and second intake of the tablet.
Follow the instructions given by the doctor carefully.
What is the working process of Vidalista 40?
The problem of erectile dysfunction arises when there is no proper blood flow in the penis which does not allow it to remain erect for a long time. Blood flow is decreased due to both physiological and psychological reasons.
The main ingredient Tadalafil removes the obstruction and thus increases the flexibility in muscles and veins that improves the blood flow in the penis and this blood flow makes it hard and erect for a long time.
How does it work for different patients?
3 main different kinds of men are there who are suffering from penis erection problems.
Non-ED patients: Sometimes people think that they are suffering from ED but they are not and in such cases, if they consume Vidalista they may suffer from a problem like shortness of breath, vomiting, Numbness, sudden change in blood pressure, etc.
ED patients: There are various medicines available in the market that are good for curing ED, but according to the reviews Vidalista is considered the sole medicine that shows its effect just after the first dose.
Vidalista 40 mg users: The regular users of Vidalista 40 mg know how beneficial it is for them in treating ED.
Certain directions to keep in mind
Some of the directions that you should keep in mind while having Vidalista 40 mg are:
Chewing, crushing, and breaking the tablet is not allowed as it may impact the effectiveness of the tablet.
Take medicine 30 minutes before the love-making process.
Do not mix it in water, you have to take one tablet with normal water.
What is the effect of Vidalista 40 mg on your body?
Visdalista 40 mg makes a positive effect on your body as it gives you a complete and long erection that will automatically improve your love life and relationship with your partner. If you consult your doctor at an early stage then you will be safe from a serious problem like prostate cancer.
Side effects of Vidalista 40 mg
Certain side effects that are visible in patients who are having Vidalista 40 mg are:
Muscle pain
Shortness of breath
Chest pain
Excessive sweating
Flushing of skin
Swelling skin
Heart stroke
Mouth ulcers
What are the medical conditions inviting immediate attention
While you are on the Vidalista medication certain medical conditions arise that need immediate attention.
If you are facing an instant erection more than normal.
One of the side effects is dullness in vision but if your eyesight gets more distorted then stop taking medicine and consult your doctor.
A hearing problem is also something that comes with the medicine but if the condition becomes worse then see your doctor.
Vidalista 40 mg interaction
It is advised that if you are on Vidalista medication then you should avoid having alcohol, smoking, and eating fast food or any kind of food that comes in the work of the medicine as it will create hindrance in the working of the medicine.